For this setting I will use the great article: WebDriverIO Integration With Cucumber.
1. npm init -y
2. npm i --save-dev @wdio/cli
3. npx wdio config
4. npm install @wdio/allure-reporter --save-dev
5. npm install -g allure-commandline --save-dev
6. npm install --save moment
7. Create features directory with pages and step-definitions subdirectories. Create reports directory.
8. The first test scenario will be the same, so create first.feature file in features directory:
Feature: Automation Playground blog As a test automation enthusiast I want to write test for Automation Playground blog So that I can practice Cucumber Scenario: Verify the blog's title Given the Automation Playground blog open Then the Automation Playground blog title should be equal <title> Examples: |title | |"Automation Playground" |
module.exports = class BasePage { open (path) { browser.url(path); } }
const BasePage = require('./') const base_url = '' class HomePage extends BasePage { open() { } } module.exports = new HomePage();
10. Create steps definition file in the corresponding directory. The content will be slightly differ from the previous setup:
const { Before, Given, When, Then } = require('@cucumber/cucumber') const HomePage = require('../pages/'); Given('the Automation Playground blog open', function () { }); Then('the Automation Playground blog title should be equal {string}', async function (title) { expect(browser).toHaveTitle(title); });
11. Edit wdio.conf.js file according to the article
afterStep: function (step, context, { error, result, duration, passed, retries }) { if(error) { browser.saveScreenshot('./reports/screenshots/Fail_' + moment().format('DD-MMM-YYYY-HH-MM-SS') + '.png') } },
reporters: [['allure', { outputDir: './reports/allure-results' }]],
cucumberOpts: { // <string[]> (file/dir) require files before executing features require: ['./features/step-definitions/first.steps.js'],
and put on the top of the config file the following:
const moment= require('moment')
And the scripts in package.json :"scripts": { "test:bdd": "npx wdio run ./wdio.conf.js", "generate:allure" : "allure generate reports/allure-results/ --clean" },
12. Run the test:
npm run test:bdd
13. On my Windows computer I have to run cmd as Administrator, go to the folder and execute the following commands to generate and open Allure test report:
allure generate reports/allure-results/ --clean
and then:
allure open
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